Student Solution


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week 3 Intro to literature Final

week 3 Intro to Literature

Q Read the assigned poems once through without annotating them and then complete the following: o Respond to one of the two assigned Shakespeare sonnets o Respond to one of the assigned sonnets written by someone other than Shakespeare o Respond to one of the assigned poems that is not a sonnet • In your response to each poem, do the following: o Identify the poem and its author and remember to use the author’s full name when you first mention it. Use the author’s last name upon subsequent mentions. Put the title of the poem in quotation marks (do not underline or use italics). o In a few sentences, explain what the poem is about. o Identify at least 3 significant images, words, or phrases and explain why they are significant. What meaning do they add to the poem? What insight do they offer into the poem? • Review the PowerPoints I have provided on the sonnet, on poetic literary terms, and on poetic genre and address the following: o The form of the poem. How many lines or stanzas does it have? o Is there a rhyme scheme that you can identify? List it in abcd fashion o Can you discern a metrical scheme (e.g. iambic pentameter)? If so, demonstrate it. It’s possible that the poem you have chosen does not have a metrical scheme. In that case, you can simply state that the poem does not employ a set metrical scheme o Identify at least 3 other literary elements that you can identify in the poem. For this, you should draw on the PowerPoint I offered on literary terms in poetry. o Put it all together: How do the various elements you’ve identified in the poem contribute to its overall meaning?

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“Sonnet 130” by William Shakespeare - For the first point, Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare has been chosen. The poem or sonnet is about an individual praising his beloved who does not possess any aspect conventional beauty. According to the description, she is dark, have curly and not attractive hairs and several other features, which do not match with the Petrachan concept of beauty. The motive of the poem is to show that actual love does not give importance on the physical attractiveness and beauty as love is more focused on the inner beauty of a person. Thus the poet indicates at the last that his mistress is perhaps not